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7 Essential Steps to a More Effective Social Media Marketing Strategy.

Companies and teams that don’t note ideas and plans on papers in a systematic way. It’s easy to forget it on daily routine tasks. Without social media strategy, you’re wasting money, time, and efforts!

Before starting a social media strategy, you’d better evaluate your current business situation and benchmark it compares with the market directions, customers, and competitors. Social media strategy is a summary of goals and plans that you aim to achieve on social media. If you can measure it, you can improve it. So, the strategy guides your actions and evaluates successfully or failing steps on every campaign, ideas, post, reply, and comment that serve overall business goals.

1- Set S.M.A.R.T Goals:

Set social media goals that align with your business objectives.

Smart goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound Goals

For example: gain 150 new customers via Facebook campaign in 20 days, here you should consider that the important to track meaningful metrics like as clicks, visits. Sign up. Not vanity metrics such as likes and shares.


2- Get to Know Your Audience Better:

Working to know who are your audience by gathering real-world data. And avoid assumptions!

Audiences can be split by many factors, such as demographic, geographic, and behavioral. Here are the most common ways to segment your audiences:

Age, gender, location, income, lifestyle, values, and interests. Then creating a persona.

Create a Byer Persona

A buyer persona helps you to understand your audiences needs and goals better. This makes it more comfortable for you to craft content or tailor your story and deliver the right message for services and products that they’re want to buy.

Create professional, customizable buyer personas in minutes with free tool generator via HubSpot


3- Research and Analysis Your Competition:

The competitive analysis to conduct all information about your competitors is a crucial step to understand the strength and weakness point for your company compared with competitors.

In addition to looking forward opportunities and avoid threats that pose a threat to the company.

It’s a SWOT Analysis with an online perspective.

Many tools can help you to find your main competitors, such as:

likealyzer: It’s a free tool for analyzing Facebook pages and discover similar pages on the same category or industry.

Buzsumo: A content discovery tool that tracks all topics and most engaging and shared content related to your audience or industry.


4- Conduct a Social Media Audit:

Evaluate your current efforts helps you to get feedback, what’s working and what’s not?

Which social networks your target audience uses?

What’s, is the most engaging content for them?

How does your social media presence look compare to that your competitors?

For more accurate information, you can use social media analytics tools such as Facebook insights to evaluate your page and audience or paid tools like Fanpage Karma and Socialbakers.


5- Social Media Setup Checklist

Setup Accounts and improve your profiles, at first determine the proper social media platforms for each account that you have then fill out all profile fields with using keywords, contacts and use images that are correctly sized for each platform. Check social media images sizes Cheatsheet from social media today.

Optimize your Facebook pages with a checklist for filling out all fields, and here, your ultimate guide for Facebook page audit.


6- Inspiration

The inspiration is the magic key for an attractive social media presence, and we talked before about how to find the most engaging content. Now follow up all competitors, make a list, and watch it daily, take notes for each type of content they deliver, how they engage with their customers. Ask your internal team what are our customers are looking for?  Finally, you can see even your follower what they will like to see and encourage them for comments and share your content.

Follow Hashtags on Instagram: following related hashtags on Instagram inspire you with creative ideas and to stay updated with the latest trends.

Follow trends on Twitter: Twitter provides to discover trends in each country, watch it, and engage with related and positive trends, topics, and hashtags

Create a new Facebook list: You can use lists to organize your friends on Facebook. Using a listing, you can post an update for specific people, like your coworkers or friends who live near you to stay updated with they’re posting.


7- Create a Social Media Content Calendar

Creating consistent content for social media require creating a social media content calendar that helps you to determine when are you posting, which topics, tips and tricks, and content format.

Remember, consistency is the key. Content calendar aligning your long-term strategy and enhancing your planning and time management with the team.

A content calendar helps you to avoid missing important dates. Check the content calendar template via Hootsuite.


Now after applying each of these steps, you’ll have a complete social media strategy. BrandsCave is the digital marketing agency delivering social media marketing services, check our services.

5 Essential Social Media Marketing Tips

Starting a new business is fascinating. But it is also not easy and can cause a lot of headaches. If you do not follow a well-organized business plan, you’re likely to lose your efforts. When it comes to marketing through social media, many companies still fail to harness the potential that social media platforms can offer. To help speed up your efforts, here are five essential tips you can use to boost your marketing through social media.

  1. Hang out where your audience hangs out

The most crucial aspect of your marketing campaign through social media is where you promote your brand and content. There are different social media networks that you can use to promote your business, but not all of these networks are appropriate for your specific business.

For example, Facebook recently exceeded 2 billion users, but for some companies, promotion on a platform that may have fewer users like LinkedIn is more effective. Start analyzing your business to determine your target market. Ask yourself about who you target with your products or services. Once you’ve identified your target audience, you’ll need to know which social networks are most active, and then target those specific social networks.

  1. Do not use all channels

Businesses often tend to target many social networks when starting. Unfortunately, this also means that they will have to work harder to keep their social media accounts active, and this time and effort could have been used for more critical tasks. Instead, start by targeting one social platform. This reduces the time needed to keep your social media accounts active and ensures your ability to allocate most of your time to masterwork on a particular social network before moving on to the next.

  1. Make your profile perfect

Branding is essential if you want to build a successful business that is easily recognized by current and prospective customers. For this reason, make sure that each site your company has is dedicated to maximizing your brand awareness. The same goes for your social networking accounts. Once you’ve created a profile for your business on the right social networks, you should spend some time to officially promote these profiles with the logo, colors, and information about your business.

Pay close attention to the name of the page, as well as the profile picture. Remember to fill in the description section and include a link to your website.

  1. Create weekly schedules

Although social networks were previously designed to help people stay in touch with their friends, family, etc., these platforms are now more potent than ever for companies. By using social media platforms for your business, you can easily stay in touch with your customers and build trust.

Unfortunately, you cannot always spend several hours each day creating new posts. Instead, schedule one day of each week to schedule week-long posts. This will help keep your audience engaged without having to sign in multiple times a day to post something on your company page or profile.

  1. Use marketing tools through social media

An excellent way to keep your business active on social media is to use a variety of tools to help you learn more about your target audience. This includes “who they are,” “where they are” and how they interact with your platforms.

To get to know more about social media marketing techniques, get in touch with BrandsCave’s team, and have the entire practical knowledge to shine in the business community!