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Essential Start-Up Checklist that will guide you to put your new challenge on the right track

Well, now you take a long breath, get a pencil and a paper and let’s start by a proper brainstorming either alone or with your Co-founders, then as much as you can put your thoughts on a mind mapping sheet. I personally use one of my daughter sketching Books or my iPad Note App.

Give your self the proper time to get to the basic things first as the following:
• Analyze your business idea by doing a SWOT analysis

• Assess your strengths and weaknesses as an entrepreneur

• Establish business and personal goals that will encourage you to pursue this dream

• Assess your financial resources and identify potential sources of funds either from your savings or your family

• Identify the financial risks (Don’t test the water with your two legs)

• Determine the start-up costs (Add more margin 😅)

• Decide on your business location (It’s okay to start from home, but wherever you going to target clients)

• Do thorough market research (please, please, please)

• Identify your customers

• Identify your competitors ( you have to study them, to take notes and even visit them to experience their services)

• Develop a marketing plan or ask a skilled team to support you on that. BrandsCave is offering very affordable Start-Up packages and a free consultation that will help you get your marketing plan rise and shine.

Congratulations your Business getting shaped
Now it became more serious and we need to get things done so start with the following:

• Select a lawyer and an accountant depending on your location and country where they can assist you with the right Frame for your business and proper establishment of your bookkeeping.

• Choose a form of organization (proprietorship, partnership, Limited Liability Company or corporation, for example)

• Create your business (register your company’s name, incorporate the business, and don’t forget to check for uo6ur business name availability on social media

• Prepare a basic business model canvas that will be the skeleton for your business plan

• Select a banker and set up a business checking account

• Apply for business loans and grants (if applicable)

• Establish a line of credit (if possible)

• if your business will have any kind of risk Select an insurance agent and obtain business insurance.

Hooray, It’s getting serious and you need to get known in a style, Aren’t you?!
• Get the right team that will help you and craft your basic organization chart.

• Prepare corporate brochures

• Build a website

• Set-up corporate email accounts

• Create your Business cards

• Obtain a lease if it’s mandatory or required to your business

• Line up suppliers (if applicable)

• Get furniture and equipment

• Obtain business licenses or permits (if applicable)

• Join professional organizations that related to your business like the chamber of commerce in your city.

• Choose a starting date

• Prepare and deploy your communication/marketing strategy

Young Entrepreneur Hasnae Taleb is Expecting a “Global Financial Crisis by the Q3 of 2020”

Young Entrepreneur Hasnae Taleb is Expecting a “Global Financial Crisis by the Q3 of 2020”

While my mom is freaking out about the coronavirus as if it’s the end world, I’ve been paying attention to the effect it has on the economy.

On average, an economic recession happens every 8–10 years. As we all know, the last time it happened was back in 2008. It is now 2020.

Financial experts have been calling for a recession in the last few years, and the coronavirus is the final tipping point.
We are expecting the majority of online businesses to surpass the recession, but in so much regret for many brick and mortar business owners. 

Most small businesses cannot survive without cash flow for a month or two, and we are hoping that the best-case scenario for everything to start getting back to normal is AT LEAST 2 months from now and that’s the best-case scenario, while scientists suggest that we might have to stay quarantined until we have a vaccine and that’s over a year from now. 
U.S. Private Sector Job Quality Index estimates that 37 million domestic jobs are vulnerable to layoffs, and that’s only in the United States of America.

In other words, it is already too late to prepare for a recession now if you have not done so as we are already in a recession and it is happening globally. This might be much worse than what happened in 2008. In the Great Recession, air travel did not come to a halt, borders were not being closed, we were not talking about quarantines and social distancing. 

Instead of being fearful and hoping the government will do something to save you, take the initiative to save yourself. Instead of hoarding toilet papers or “Netflix and popcorn” at home, do yourself a favour by using this time to educate yourself and widen your skill-set, so that you can save yourself and your family from Financial Struggles in the coming months.
It’s good to invest in ourselves in this crisis. Educate ourselves and learn a new skill. Start an online business because eveyrhing is moving towards the online now.
Solidarity is important. Let’s help each other, support each other and push each other to the limit.

7 Essential Steps to a More Effective Social Media Marketing Strategy.

Companies and teams that don’t note ideas and plans on papers in a systematic way. It’s easy to forget it on daily routine tasks. Without social media strategy, you’re wasting money, time, and efforts!

Before starting a social media strategy, you’d better evaluate your current business situation and benchmark it compares with the market directions, customers, and competitors. Social media strategy is a summary of goals and plans that you aim to achieve on social media. If you can measure it, you can improve it. So, the strategy guides your actions and evaluates successfully or failing steps on every campaign, ideas, post, reply, and comment that serve overall business goals.

1- Set S.M.A.R.T Goals:

Set social media goals that align with your business objectives.

Smart goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound Goals

For example: gain 150 new customers via Facebook campaign in 20 days, here you should consider that the important to track meaningful metrics like as clicks, visits. Sign up. Not vanity metrics such as likes and shares.


2- Get to Know Your Audience Better:

Working to know who are your audience by gathering real-world data. And avoid assumptions!

Audiences can be split by many factors, such as demographic, geographic, and behavioral. Here are the most common ways to segment your audiences:

Age, gender, location, income, lifestyle, values, and interests. Then creating a persona.

Create a Byer Persona

A buyer persona helps you to understand your audiences needs and goals better. This makes it more comfortable for you to craft content or tailor your story and deliver the right message for services and products that they’re want to buy.

Create professional, customizable buyer personas in minutes with free tool generator via HubSpot


3- Research and Analysis Your Competition:

The competitive analysis to conduct all information about your competitors is a crucial step to understand the strength and weakness point for your company compared with competitors.

In addition to looking forward opportunities and avoid threats that pose a threat to the company.

It’s a SWOT Analysis with an online perspective.

Many tools can help you to find your main competitors, such as:

likealyzer: It’s a free tool for analyzing Facebook pages and discover similar pages on the same category or industry.

Buzsumo: A content discovery tool that tracks all topics and most engaging and shared content related to your audience or industry.


4- Conduct a Social Media Audit:

Evaluate your current efforts helps you to get feedback, what’s working and what’s not?

Which social networks your target audience uses?

What’s, is the most engaging content for them?

How does your social media presence look compare to that your competitors?

For more accurate information, you can use social media analytics tools such as Facebook insights to evaluate your page and audience or paid tools like Fanpage Karma and Socialbakers.


5- Social Media Setup Checklist

Setup Accounts and improve your profiles, at first determine the proper social media platforms for each account that you have then fill out all profile fields with using keywords, contacts and use images that are correctly sized for each platform. Check social media images sizes Cheatsheet from social media today.

Optimize your Facebook pages with a checklist for filling out all fields, and here, your ultimate guide for Facebook page audit.


6- Inspiration

The inspiration is the magic key for an attractive social media presence, and we talked before about how to find the most engaging content. Now follow up all competitors, make a list, and watch it daily, take notes for each type of content they deliver, how they engage with their customers. Ask your internal team what are our customers are looking for?  Finally, you can see even your follower what they will like to see and encourage them for comments and share your content.

Follow Hashtags on Instagram: following related hashtags on Instagram inspire you with creative ideas and to stay updated with the latest trends.

Follow trends on Twitter: Twitter provides to discover trends in each country, watch it, and engage with related and positive trends, topics, and hashtags

Create a new Facebook list: You can use lists to organize your friends on Facebook. Using a listing, you can post an update for specific people, like your coworkers or friends who live near you to stay updated with they’re posting.


7- Create a Social Media Content Calendar

Creating consistent content for social media require creating a social media content calendar that helps you to determine when are you posting, which topics, tips and tricks, and content format.

Remember, consistency is the key. Content calendar aligning your long-term strategy and enhancing your planning and time management with the team.

A content calendar helps you to avoid missing important dates. Check the content calendar template via Hootsuite.


Now after applying each of these steps, you’ll have a complete social media strategy. BrandsCave is the digital marketing agency delivering social media marketing services, check our services.

Business Setup Services

The basis of any successful creative venture lies with choosing the right business entity. This one decision affects everything from the ownership structure, decision making, hiring and financing to the tax implications of the business. PRO business setup will help in deciding the right business structure for you along with creating and implementing the best approach to the formation of your company. We assist you with competent advice every step of the way, and for services related to a company formation or business setup in Dubai or anywhere in the UAE, you can rely on us, as we understand the complicated end-to-end process of business set up. 

What PRO Business Setup Does 

We are one of the leading business setup service provider in the UAE and we help you to set up a company effortlessly. 

How PRO Business Setup Helps 

If you are new to the UAE market and GCC region, we are here to help you in all possible proceedings. Our firm will help you successfully set up a business in the UAE. 

Why Choose Pro-Business Setup 

We blend an authentic observation of the UAE market and its business culture and possess an exemplary network of sponsors and investors.