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Essential Start-Up Checklist that will guide you to put your new challenge on the right track

Well, now you take a long breath, get a pencil and a paper and let’s start by a proper brainstorming either alone or with your Co-founders, then as much as you can put your thoughts on a mind mapping sheet. I personally use one of my daughter sketching Books or my iPad Note App.

Give your self the proper time to get to the basic things first as the following:
• Analyze your business idea by doing a SWOT analysis

• Assess your strengths and weaknesses as an entrepreneur

• Establish business and personal goals that will encourage you to pursue this dream

• Assess your financial resources and identify potential sources of funds either from your savings or your family

• Identify the financial risks (Don’t test the water with your two legs)

• Determine the start-up costs (Add more margin 😅)

• Decide on your business location (It’s okay to start from home, but wherever you going to target clients)

• Do thorough market research (please, please, please)

• Identify your customers

• Identify your competitors ( you have to study them, to take notes and even visit them to experience their services)

• Develop a marketing plan or ask a skilled team to support you on that. BrandsCave is offering very affordable Start-Up packages and a free consultation that will help you get your marketing plan rise and shine.

Congratulations your Business getting shaped
Now it became more serious and we need to get things done so start with the following:

• Select a lawyer and an accountant depending on your location and country where they can assist you with the right Frame for your business and proper establishment of your bookkeeping.

• Choose a form of organization (proprietorship, partnership, Limited Liability Company or corporation, for example)

• Create your business (register your company’s name, incorporate the business, and don’t forget to check for uo6ur business name availability on social media

• Prepare a basic business model canvas that will be the skeleton for your business plan

• Select a banker and set up a business checking account

• Apply for business loans and grants (if applicable)

• Establish a line of credit (if possible)

• if your business will have any kind of risk Select an insurance agent and obtain business insurance.

Hooray, It’s getting serious and you need to get known in a style, Aren’t you?!
• Get the right team that will help you and craft your basic organization chart.

• Prepare corporate brochures

• Build a website

• Set-up corporate email accounts

• Create your Business cards

• Obtain a lease if it’s mandatory or required to your business

• Line up suppliers (if applicable)

• Get furniture and equipment

• Obtain business licenses or permits (if applicable)

• Join professional organizations that related to your business like the chamber of commerce in your city.

• Choose a starting date

• Prepare and deploy your communication/marketing strategy

Young Entrepreneur Hasnae Taleb is Expecting a “Global Financial Crisis by the Q3 of 2020”

Young Entrepreneur Hasnae Taleb is Expecting a “Global Financial Crisis by the Q3 of 2020”

While my mom is freaking out about the coronavirus as if it’s the end world, I’ve been paying attention to the effect it has on the economy.

On average, an economic recession happens every 8–10 years. As we all know, the last time it happened was back in 2008. It is now 2020.

Financial experts have been calling for a recession in the last few years, and the coronavirus is the final tipping point.
We are expecting the majority of online businesses to surpass the recession, but in so much regret for many brick and mortar business owners. 

Most small businesses cannot survive without cash flow for a month or two, and we are hoping that the best-case scenario for everything to start getting back to normal is AT LEAST 2 months from now and that’s the best-case scenario, while scientists suggest that we might have to stay quarantined until we have a vaccine and that’s over a year from now. 
U.S. Private Sector Job Quality Index estimates that 37 million domestic jobs are vulnerable to layoffs, and that’s only in the United States of America.

In other words, it is already too late to prepare for a recession now if you have not done so as we are already in a recession and it is happening globally. This might be much worse than what happened in 2008. In the Great Recession, air travel did not come to a halt, borders were not being closed, we were not talking about quarantines and social distancing. 

Instead of being fearful and hoping the government will do something to save you, take the initiative to save yourself. Instead of hoarding toilet papers or “Netflix and popcorn” at home, do yourself a favour by using this time to educate yourself and widen your skill-set, so that you can save yourself and your family from Financial Struggles in the coming months.
It’s good to invest in ourselves in this crisis. Educate ourselves and learn a new skill. Start an online business because eveyrhing is moving towards the online now.
Solidarity is important. Let’s help each other, support each other and push each other to the limit.

Hasnae Taleb on The 10 Most Successful Quotes and Rules of Success

Hasnae believes in nothing more than turning great ideas into reality and connecting the East to the West through smart media tactics and financial investments.

Below are the 10 most successful quotes and rules of success:

10. Sometimes you have to go back to remember the reason you started.



We all rise and fall: Never doubt your worth. Hasnae claims to have burned her 10 fingers before she could finally make it. However, “in your darkest times, you got to go to your starting point to remember the bottom reason why you have ever started in the first place. It’s all about that one reason”, she says. You got to find your own reason.

9. The bravest move is the heartless one.



To be able to chase your dreams you would need to let go of the great little things to be able to receive the greatest ones, she says. I had to sacrifice a lot- I had to leave my country and stay away from my family, friends, and all the people I loved for a while to create my path. I had to be heartless somehow; I had to be selfish- she added.

8. Take every storm as an opportunity to test the directions of your boat.



That’s one of the most significant lines said by Hasnae Taleb which gets you into some deep thinking. There are some good days and others that are bad, as there are things you control and others you don’t, and that might not be your responsibility, but it is your responsibility to run your situations like a symphony and be the maestro of your show, she says.

7. Wear that smile on your face, no matter what.



There is nothing more powerful that kills your enemies more than you being happy and prosperous. Energies attract each other. When you are positive, you attract all positive vibes to you and vice versa. I am a positive person, and I only surround myself to positive and happy people that give me strength and hope that tomorrow is going to be a better day, so no matter how my day is I wear that beautiful smile that makes me glow, she says.

6. Tell me I can’t, and you better believe that I will.



Determination and persistence are the keys. If you believe in something, you better put all of you into it. Stop thinking, how will you reach there, follow your guts, create propose for whatever you do and let the big picture be you advise.

5. The day you think you’re number 1, you’re closest to 0. Strike for excellence instead and chance the original high.



Your mind is your instrument. Learn to be its master and not its slave. Many people dream of number 1, and they want to be number one without any purpose. The purpose is what determines excellence, and it’s what 99% of people miss, the young entrepreneur says.

4. Strength comes from a place where wisdom and faith collide.



You got to be brave and able enough to accept your failures, bring back that fire inside you and move on, and that’s faith. Wisdom is how capable you are to work it out under your calmness, she says. We

3. One gesture of gratitude can change something in somebody’s heart; try it often.



Hasnae is not only a successful young entrepreneur of her era. She is also a philanthropist who likes to help people, do charity, and make people around her happy and in tune. However, for her, gratitude is an essential element in your everyday life as it makes you and your people around your content, which leads to attracting positiveness and success as you go.
“Do what makes you happy, be with those who make you smile, laugh as much as you breathe, love as long as you live and never cry because it’s over, smile because it happened,” Hasnae says.

2. If you are not a priority, leave. Never be an option to anything or anyone. Value yourself more than what the world is worth and live on top of eternity.



Hasnae has always been a feminist who has a strong belief that women need to be put first and be treated with respect, care and love because they are the source of the coming generations and they’re responsible for educating nations. However, she has always trained women to never be an option for any man or anyone in the world. If you are not given value and been treated with love and respect, I don’t know why you’re ever wasting your time trying to prove yourself, she said.

1. Always keep your heels, head, and standards high.



You got to be able to differentiate between what you want and want you to need in life, once it is evident in your vision you would start raising your standards as you go and you shall never accept less than what you deserve. People will come and leave, circumstances as well, and you will remain stable for life.