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Essential Start-Up Checklist that will guide you to put your new challenge on the right track

Well, now you take a long breath, get a pencil and a paper and let’s start by a proper brainstorming either alone or with your Co-founders, then as much as you can put your thoughts on a mind mapping sheet. I personally use one of my daughter sketching Books or my iPad Note App.

Give your self the proper time to get to the basic things first as the following:
• Analyze your business idea by doing a SWOT analysis

• Assess your strengths and weaknesses as an entrepreneur

• Establish business and personal goals that will encourage you to pursue this dream

• Assess your financial resources and identify potential sources of funds either from your savings or your family

• Identify the financial risks (Don’t test the water with your two legs)

• Determine the start-up costs (Add more margin 😅)

• Decide on your business location (It’s okay to start from home, but wherever you going to target clients)

• Do thorough market research (please, please, please)

• Identify your customers

• Identify your competitors ( you have to study them, to take notes and even visit them to experience their services)

• Develop a marketing plan or ask a skilled team to support you on that. BrandsCave is offering very affordable Start-Up packages and a free consultation that will help you get your marketing plan rise and shine.

Congratulations your Business getting shaped
Now it became more serious and we need to get things done so start with the following:

• Select a lawyer and an accountant depending on your location and country where they can assist you with the right Frame for your business and proper establishment of your bookkeeping.

• Choose a form of organization (proprietorship, partnership, Limited Liability Company or corporation, for example)

• Create your business (register your company’s name, incorporate the business, and don’t forget to check for uo6ur business name availability on social media

• Prepare a basic business model canvas that will be the skeleton for your business plan

• Select a banker and set up a business checking account

• Apply for business loans and grants (if applicable)

• Establish a line of credit (if possible)

• if your business will have any kind of risk Select an insurance agent and obtain business insurance.

Hooray, It’s getting serious and you need to get known in a style, Aren’t you?!
• Get the right team that will help you and craft your basic organization chart.

• Prepare corporate brochures

• Build a website

• Set-up corporate email accounts

• Create your Business cards

• Obtain a lease if it’s mandatory or required to your business

• Line up suppliers (if applicable)

• Get furniture and equipment

• Obtain business licenses or permits (if applicable)

• Join professional organizations that related to your business like the chamber of commerce in your city.

• Choose a starting date

• Prepare and deploy your communication/marketing strategy

5 Essential Social Media Marketing Tips

Starting a new business is fascinating. But it is also not easy and can cause a lot of headaches. If you do not follow a well-organized business plan, you’re likely to lose your efforts. When it comes to marketing through social media, many companies still fail to harness the potential that social media platforms can offer. To help speed up your efforts, here are five essential tips you can use to boost your marketing through social media.

  1. Hang out where your audience hangs out

The most crucial aspect of your marketing campaign through social media is where you promote your brand and content. There are different social media networks that you can use to promote your business, but not all of these networks are appropriate for your specific business.

For example, Facebook recently exceeded 2 billion users, but for some companies, promotion on a platform that may have fewer users like LinkedIn is more effective. Start analyzing your business to determine your target market. Ask yourself about who you target with your products or services. Once you’ve identified your target audience, you’ll need to know which social networks are most active, and then target those specific social networks.

  1. Do not use all channels

Businesses often tend to target many social networks when starting. Unfortunately, this also means that they will have to work harder to keep their social media accounts active, and this time and effort could have been used for more critical tasks. Instead, start by targeting one social platform. This reduces the time needed to keep your social media accounts active and ensures your ability to allocate most of your time to masterwork on a particular social network before moving on to the next.

  1. Make your profile perfect

Branding is essential if you want to build a successful business that is easily recognized by current and prospective customers. For this reason, make sure that each site your company has is dedicated to maximizing your brand awareness. The same goes for your social networking accounts. Once you’ve created a profile for your business on the right social networks, you should spend some time to officially promote these profiles with the logo, colors, and information about your business.

Pay close attention to the name of the page, as well as the profile picture. Remember to fill in the description section and include a link to your website.

  1. Create weekly schedules

Although social networks were previously designed to help people stay in touch with their friends, family, etc., these platforms are now more potent than ever for companies. By using social media platforms for your business, you can easily stay in touch with your customers and build trust.

Unfortunately, you cannot always spend several hours each day creating new posts. Instead, schedule one day of each week to schedule week-long posts. This will help keep your audience engaged without having to sign in multiple times a day to post something on your company page or profile.

  1. Use marketing tools through social media

An excellent way to keep your business active on social media is to use a variety of tools to help you learn more about your target audience. This includes “who they are,” “where they are” and how they interact with your platforms.

To get to know more about social media marketing techniques, get in touch with BrandsCave’s team, and have the entire practical knowledge to shine in the business community!

7 Things to Consider While Choosing a Domain Name for Your Business

Many things about your business are involved around the ideal site. For example, if your property is in a dark alley and surrounded by industrial warehouses, the probability of getting much traffic of potential customers is minimal. You have to be in the main street or part of a promising shopping area so your customers can easily reach you. Without the right location, you are directing your small business to failure.

Your website on the Internet is just as necessary as finding the physical place you choose for your business as an establishment. A domain name is the first thing potential customers search for when they search for your brand online. If you have a confusing name or full of hyphens and trying to type, you’ll lose them.

The critical factors in choosing a domain name for your small business

Follow best practices to get a domain name that represents your small business effectively.

  1. Incorporate your company name with a vibrant online keyword

Ideally, you are promoting your website to contribute to enhancing your business online to be consistent with your customers, but this is not always possible. Keywords should be combined with the terms you want to place in a good ranking. Spend some time searching for the best terms before making a domain name purchase.

  1. Shorter is Better

No one will remember a 30-character domain name as when you don’t know it; you won’t type it right, so target a few words and written parts as possible. Imagine the title while it exists on a business card or publication of marketing materials. Does it look good? Avoid numbers and hyphens and determine what can be perfect for a domain name that is good, simple, and easy to remember.

  1. Keep your efforts by purchasing the domain name

Even if you end up registering the first option of your chosen domain name quickly, you have millions of other possibilities. Take a deep breath and think about the long-term needs of your company. Your goal is to move forward with your brand for years. The choice of something with a staying force is essential. So once you have made your final selection, register it as soon as possible. Surely you do not want to waste all that research time on something that can be stolen from under your hands.

  1. You can throw anything not letters from the window!

Have you ever seen domain names full of hyphens, numbers, and other strange configurations? These configurations confuse the audience and reduce their confidence in your work because it expresses a lack of professionalism and indifference, so stick to the letters as much as possible, with one hyphen if required.

  1. Avoid uncommon TLD domain names

Those names are part of the website name. For example, “.com,” which you see mostly. You can stick to this option unless you are running a non-profit work. Other domain name endings like “.tv” and others are only not widely famous.

  1. Protect your brand

You need to purchase your domain name while start operating your business online. Don’t allow abusing your brand by the senders of spam messages or scammers through offering unsuccessful domain names. Register .net, .org, and .com, and forward these options to your primary website.

  1. Complete your domain with descriptive websites

Think about the terms that the average customer uses when they search for your product or service category. Just like the changing domain names, you can redirect them to your main website or lead them to landing pages.

Domain name generator tools:


It helps you evaluate a large number or name suggestions with a few mouse clicks. The quality ranking system sorts generated names. In addition to fast bulk domain check. NameStation provides search guidance, keyword suggestions, name variations, etc.


DomainsBot has been helping the leaders in the domain and hosting industry extract value from data and drive more revenue for almost 15 years. It’s a great way to generate a new domain name.


To get thousands of company and domain name suggestions instantly, plug your company’s core concept into their field of searching. Shopify will identify all related domains that are currently available and will help you choose the right domain name.


Name Tumbler will help you generate a great domain name by sorting out what’s used and help you with a simple easy-to-search new domain name that gets the attraction of the audience.

Domain Name Check Tools:

Securing your brand existing is essential. It provides consistency to users to ensure that you have got a unique name that most comfortable to find across the internet.

You can use tools such as:

The domain name of your business can lead to success or put your business on the wrong side of the Internet town. If you want to get a domain name that makes your brand sparkle within the business community, get in touch with BrandsCave and leave it to us!

Your 5 Tips for Writing Brilliant Blog Titles

With more than 2 million blog articles published daily, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to get people to read your content. Your post should not only represent a unique piece of writing; it should be published in a trusted site to be well classified, and the site should have an engaged audience that shares it via social media. Finally, and perhaps more importantly, it must have a great title that makes people want to click on its link to read it.

Did you know that many Twitter users re-post articles they have not read? I think this is the equivalent of the phenomenon of modern times in pretending to read a profound French novel at a fancy dinner party. These Twitter users will not publish a title that does not make them look great.

We do not want to offer a bunch of address templates to fill in spaces, because the beauty of a good title is in its uniqueness. If everyone follows the same formula, these titles will lose their impact; instead, you’ll have some practical tips that will help you write impressive titles.

  1. Make the title attractive

A good title must be executable, unusual, or specific for an idea. Here are some real examples to explain what we mean:

How do you speak in public places? Even if you hate speaking in public

This is an executable title because it tells you that the article will show you how to do something useful. Claims are usually a safe choice for this reason. There is also the element of strangeness in the second part of the title, which addresses a source of concern that some of us may have and convince us to read.

  1. Set the correct expectations

The title of the blog should be more descriptive than the title of an article in a magazine. When someone reads the title of the magazine, they have the whole set: pictures, sub-lines, and everything to help them decide on reading. On the web, the blog’s title usually appears in search results or a tweet without this additional information. So you have to do more to get the article delivered. Make sure you don’t type a quick headline that everyone wants to click but has nothing to do with the content. If the reader’s expectations are not met through the article, they will have a bad experience and will never return to your blog.

  1. Make it short and sweet

In general, the post title will be used to appear in search results. So it’s good to keep it under 70 characters, so it shows with full force and encourages the reader to click on it. The title, for example, should fit comfortably in length with a tweet. Some bloggers say that the ideal title consists of eight words or less, which we think is right. However, if your title needs to be longer than this to get the perfect mix in engaging the reader and commensurate with his expectations, do it!

  1. Include a keyword

Now more than ever, the focus should be on writing to the user rather than the search engine. However, it’s essential to think about what your potential readers are looking for, including the keyword as relevant words, for example, so you’re classified in searches. You can use the Google Ad Words tool to find relevant search keywords.

  1. Learn from others

By following the excellent advice to learn from your competitors, why not see the headlines that other people are using and trying to optimize? You may have read some similar articles during the search phase of your current article. Ask yourself about the titles that best fit them; what angles did they use? It does not take long to come up with some ideas about titles, and we’ve always found it useful to get a more practical sense of titles.

That was all; hopefully, this article gave you some ideas on how to make your blog posts more effective. If you have any other tips, leave a comment and let us know!

Business Setup Services

The basis of any successful creative venture lies with choosing the right business entity. This one decision affects everything from the ownership structure, decision making, hiring and financing to the tax implications of the business. PRO business setup will help in deciding the right business structure for you along with creating and implementing the best approach to the formation of your company. We assist you with competent advice every step of the way, and for services related to a company formation or business setup in Dubai or anywhere in the UAE, you can rely on us, as we understand the complicated end-to-end process of business set up. 

What PRO Business Setup Does 

We are one of the leading business setup service provider in the UAE and we help you to set up a company effortlessly. 

How PRO Business Setup Helps 

If you are new to the UAE market and GCC region, we are here to help you in all possible proceedings. Our firm will help you successfully set up a business in the UAE. 

Why Choose Pro-Business Setup 

We blend an authentic observation of the UAE market and its business culture and possess an exemplary network of sponsors and investors.

Content Writing Services

In order to portray a successful business image, you need dedicated content writers who work continuously on publishing and engage your customers. We provide various styles of content, ranging from full time content to designer content, which increases the traffic, articles, blogs, editing, social media posts, etc.  

We know that the online platforms have become the best place to sell your products or services. Previously, it was thought that article writing services are not necessary, but for the corporate and governmental entities world, content writing services are needed. We convert your dreams into reality. Whenever you develop a website for your business, visual appearance is not enough for the visitors traffic, it is therefore necessary to get technical expertise to shape the content, according to the essential needs of the customers. 

Our team provides the best quality content in any specialized area with providing our clients, excellent content and SEO friendly. We prepare the content while keeping exact placement of keywords in min. 

There are clear facts about us which made us different from others. We generate top class content which satisfies customers. We provide quality rechecking of the content. It is a fact that only a quality content of a website can make the reader and Google happy. If the content looks keywords and proper conversations, it may be difficult to grasp the audience and clients. 

You simply need professional web content writing services because these are not only words. The content is the source of promotion for your websites and businesses. We are specialist in article writing and web content writing. We know the market competition and know how to make you website on No: 1.

3 key Elements You Need to Do to Establish a Corporate Website

In today’s business environment, where even local investors are in a globalized space through their online presence, you have to own a website where customers can find you in this virtual world. Whether you’re targeting customers as consumers or business owners, most of your targeted sectors today are looking for products, services, companies, and online vendors, where they get to know your website before making a purchase. Also, many targeted customers make purchases online. Creating your company’s website does not have to be costly or complicated, but it should be well thought out. Here are the top 3 tips for creating your company’s website.

Once you have established your company’s website project with an outline, you can act on the content and implementation plans and start building. Consider specific considerations that will help your marketing efforts to succeed. There is no substitute for a useful, usable, and desirable website for your visitors.

  1. Make the website content imposes its existence

Promoting your business better requires content that includes writing and sharing useful online articles that show your credibility and experience. If you have strong web content that can be found by search engines, you’ll have an initial advantage over your competitors.

Here are some things to keep in mind:

Users are not always readers. Web users usually scan the page by looking, if the visual display is catchy, they will continue to read, and if not, they will return to the search results list.

Make your site is accessible to scan and attractive. When users find the content of the website appealing, about 80 percent of them will scan the Web page and follow on.

Do not focus all your content on words. Since only 15% of website visitors read the entire page’s content – this is another reason to review your content in controlled, well-distributed visuals instead of lengthy articles.

Make your content rich. Remember that there are many ways to deliver messages, so enjoy the intelligent use of multimedia (including video, audio, and visual elements) as it has a chance to be more persuasive than text.

  1. Follow the design criteria and ease of use

What makes a website “good”? It may seem like a personal taste, and you may wonder if your core practices meet the best practices of a unique website. Here are some general rules to consider when creating or updating your website:

Make your content useful. Make sure that the information you provide helps users understand the presentation of your product or service so they can do the research and get the details they need. Avoid unnecessary marketing noise for content that does not provide a useful purpose.

Make it easy to use. Adding the bells and whistles of websites that do not have many jobs proves to be more distracting to visitors. Make your website simple, easy to navigate, and have a clear goal.

Make the text clear. Use the bold text on high contrast backgrounds and use the white version on dark backgrounds less; this is as people read black text on a white background up to only 32 percent.

  1. Search engine optimization (SEO)

SEO is an essential tool to drive traffic to your website. No matter what type of work you own, you want your website to be easily accessible and searchable. This is the key to sales and successful business development.

Why is it important? All business owners want their website to be compatible with search engines so they can get valuable visits. The search engine searches for keywords when determining how relevant your site is to a user’s query. When you “optimize your website,” you adjust your site so that search engines find it suitable for keywords that the target market uses.

How do I do that? There are several steps to improve your search engine:

Optimize keywords. Make sure your site contains the suitable and common keywords related to your site/industry. Make sure your site contains content that is appropriate for these terms. Strategically work on keywords t for your website copy, addresses, and page titles, make sure you do not make the text less visible or distract attention from your overall message.

Link building.  Once you have an optimized keyword website, create links to your website from other, more established sites. Search engines take into account both the links and keywords listed when selecting search engine rankings.

If you’re targeting establishing a unique website that’s charming, get in touch with BrandsCave’s team and let the mission be easily accomplished.